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Dermatology – Out Patient

Out Patient Menu


Skin is the first line of defense against various hazards our body is exposed to regularly, and healthy skin is vital in ensuring a healthy life. From Mild rashes to disfiguring skin disorders, using safe and healthy aesthetic enhancements, a dermatologist will help you ensure that your skin is at its glowing best to face your daily challenges with confidence. SLMCH Department of Dermatology functions with an excellent team of dedicated dermatologists providing quality care for your dermatological needs. We provide you with the proper consultation, dermatosurgery, or aesthetic procedures for all your skincare needs.

Treatment for any allergies, skin infections, rash, acne, warts, pigmentation, itching, or any skin diseases is provided with precision.

We also have Electrosurgery and chemical peels to treat various skin lesions and cosmetic procedures.

Emergency and inpatient care can be availed by the patient for an emergency and severe skin conditions, with expert physician and nursing care round the clock. SLMCH’s expert team of physicians and surgeons can provide interdisciplinary care for multisystem disorders.

Special Psoriasis clinic, Immunobullous clinic, Pigmentary disorders clinic, Leprosy clinic, STD clinic, Autoimmune disease clinic are available on different days of the week. SLMCH department of dermatology seeks to provide the cutting edge of skincare with LASER procedures, cryotherapy, PRP, PRF, ASST, immunotherapy and is always seeking to enhance patient care with as such and more latest skincare remedies.

Service Road, Adayalampattu, Maduravoyal, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, INDIA Pincode – 600095

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