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Anaesthesia refers to the combination of the following

  • Hypnosis
  • Sedation
  • Amnesia
  • Analgesia

The Department of Anaesthesia caters to all the various surgical specialties such as the Department of Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, ophthalmology, ENT Surgery, and OBG surgery. We provide safe, reliable, and high-quality Anaesthesia to all the patients who undergo surgery at SLMCH and RI.


  • General Anaesthesia
  • Subarachnoid blocks (Neuraxial Blockade)
  • Peripheral nerve blocks
  • Epidural Anaesthesia
  • Intravenous regional Anaesthesia (IVRA)

We also offer a learning curve for the various allied health science students and the UG MBBS students. We are setting the base to provide high-quality post-graduate medical education.


ACCUVEIN AV400 – We also possess the only handheld, non-contact vein illumination device that helps identify patient veins for venepuncture. It can also be used to find values and bifurcations.

Ultrasound-guided nerve blocks- this department is highly trained and well-versed in administering various nerve blocks to anesthetize the patient before surgery safely. 

Speciality Clinics:

Super Speciality pain clinic- In the SLMCH OT, we have the latest C-ARM technology that enables us to run a pain clinic by administering TFESI (Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injections) for the management of chronic pain.

The C-ARM is used to identify and visualize the disc bulge, and of Quincke Spinal needle is used to inject the radioactive isotope (fluorescent dye) to administer the steroid to relieve chronic pain.

Assessment Clinic- we also have an assessment clinic to perform the pre-anesthetic fitness check (PAC) to access all patients according to the American Society of Anaesthesiologists (ASA).

Service Road, Adayalampattu, Maduravoyal, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu, INDIA Pincode – 600095

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